Viruses Category

In the Post previously had shared about computer viruses, the following will be linked back to share a computer virus, which is a type of computer virus types ..
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A computer virus is a general term to describe any kind of attack against computers. Often also referred to as malware, viruses developments occur sooner, every day millions of new viruses are born with the aim of increasingly dangerous. That at the beginning of its development for the joke then the scene of his own existence to the espionage and cyber crime (crime for profit)
Viruses can be viewed or categorized by:
How It Works
Nature and Characteristics Characteristics
Behaviour or behavior

The majority of viruses can be seen from the way it works.

Worm, Menduplikatkan themselves on the hard drive. It makes the resources of the computer (hard drive) to be full of worms that effect will make it slow.
Trojan, Taking data on infected computers and send the trojan makers themselves.
Backdoor, almost equal to the trojan. However, Backdoor files usually resembles fine. For example the game.
Spyware, Virus infected computer monitor. This type can capture personal data such as usernames passwords, bank accounts, credit cards, PINs, data and more.
Rogue, is a program that mimics an antivirus program and display antiviral activity like normal, and giving false warnings about the virus. The goal is for users to buy and activate the fake antivirus program and make money for the rogue virus makers. Also rogue can open security holes in your computer in order to bring other viruses.
Rootkits, Viruses that works like an ordinary computer systems work only.
Polymorphic, virus-beubah likes change so as not to be detected.
Metamorphic, virus encoding change itself to make it more difficult to detect.
Mobile Virus, Virus running on mobile phones, and can cause a variety of effects, ranging from mobile phones damage, steal data on the mobile phone, to make calls quietly and spent toll of cell phone users.
Hopefully, sharing this time can be a bit enlightening
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